Sunday, March 23, 2008

parental discretion IS advised....

here we fucking go! so i started this sales job for what i know now to be a fucking bullshit, mickey mouse corporation. those motherfuckers hired me, made me go through with a three day training session out of town, then one week after training, fired me for absolutely no reason whatsoever!!!

i am by far overqualified for the position. my level of sales expertise and customer service is phenomenal and they did themselves a disfavor by not considering me an asset to the franchise.
im not gonna sit here and type a bunch of senseless lies for you to read, so ill tell you. selling phones was NOT my cup o' tea, but i do in fact consider myself a professional and treated my job as such. their impersonal and unethical way of discharging me left me with a bitter taste in my mouth.

"you're wasting my mothafuckin' time.... im the best thing since Sprite mixed the lemon with a lime!!!"

1 comment:

Jenn.Co said...



guess I wont be going to you for my new phone.