Monday, March 3, 2008

not on duty.... not on duty!!!!

so today was my first day at work. for those of you who don't know, i was recently hired at "Firkin & Hound". its an english pub..... that means drunken restaurant. there i play the role of busboy..... which means waiter's bitch!!! not that i hold any animosity towards the position its just i call a spade a spade. everybody that i worked with today were generally nice, but i had the pleasure of being Marc's understudy. Marc is a twentysomething year old guy who had the luck of being hired as the sole morning busboy, now he got promoted to head busboy and has me to alternate days with. its a rather tedious job consisting of mindless tasks such as wiping down tables and getting refills for customers. aside from "TATE" the bartender, marc and i are the only males to work outside of the kitchen and face the customers. the waiting staff consists of overly made up young women whom, aside from professional reasons, i have no desire to communicate with whatsoever. it just seems like talking with any of them will open the proverbial "can of worms"..... i figure the less they know about me the better. although it seems people are very interested in the "girlfriend/wife" factor. i was asked whether or not i had one before i was even asked my age. all my attempts to bypass the question with expressions of disinterest and indifference, were replied with "so is that a yes or a no?"

all i know is that i know better than to mix my personal and business life. in the words of "DAYDAY" top flight security of the world...... "Not on duty...... Not on duty!!!!

1 comment:

Jenn.Co said...

You make me laugh.
We think very similar.